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Meeting with the Hospital Authority

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Regular meetings are held between the Hospital Authority and Hong Kong transgender organizations regarding the service of the Gender Identity Clinic (GIC). Other service areas, as well as matters concerning transgender healthcare professionals and students, are also discussed. Apart from regular meetings, each organization also maintains communication with the Hospital Authority.

Date: 8th December, 2023 (Friday)

Starting time: 16:30

Venue: Hospital Authority Head Office, Hospital Authority Building, 147B Argyle Street, Kowloon, Hong Kong


  • Hospital Authority (5 representatives)

  • Gender Empowerment (2 representatives)

  • PrideLab (2 representatives)

  • Quarks (2 representatives)

  • Transgender Equality Hong Kong (1 representative)

Table 1: Number of New Case Bookings at GIC

​Table 2: Number of Referrals for Gender-affirming Surgeries

*Urology: Removal of the penis and testes, and construction of a vagina
^Plastic Surgery: Chest masculinization, removal of the uterus and ovaries, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty

(Breast augmentation has been suspended since the year 2020-2021)

Table 3: Number of People Receiving Gender-affirming Surgeries

*Feminizing Gender-Affirming Surgeries*:Removal of the penis and testes, and construction of a vagina (Breast augmentation has been suspended since the year 2020-2021)
^Masculinizing Gender-Affirming Surgeries:
Chest masculinization, removal of the uterus and ovaries, metoidioplasty, phalloplasty
(One individual may receive more than one gender-affirming surgery)

HA stated that the waiting times for new cases at GIC across various specialties are not longer than those of other clinics or hospital clusters. For information on the waiting times for new cases in different specialty outpatient clinics across various hospital clusters, please visit the following webpage: Waiting Time for New Case Booking for Specialist Out-patient Services

HA further explained that gender-affirming surgeries have separate waiting lists and surgical schedules, with feminizing surgeries and masculinizing surgeries each having their own allocated surgical times. Regarding the notable difference in the number of feminizing and masculinizing surgeries performed in the year 2022-2023, HA supplemented that the ratio of individuals waiting for feminizing surgeries to those waiting for masculinizing surgeries is approximately 2:3. Surgical schedules may also be affected by other factors, such as public holidays or adverse weather conditions.

(We understand that the schedules for feminizing and masculinizing surgeries are each allocated approximately 1  day of operation every 2 months)

Other Items Discussed

Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
HA stated that GIC has provided relevant training and established connections with the departments of child and adolescent psychiatry across various hospital clusters. These departments offer gender-affirming care to individuals under the age of 18. Once they reach 18 years of age, they will be referred to GIC for continued follow-up.

HA emphasized that GIC will continue to accept only individuals aged 18 or above and currently does not consider providing gender-affirming hormones to those under 18.

Waiting Times for New Cases at GIC
Even if individuals can provide follow-up records from public department of child and adolescent psychiatry, private doctors providing gender-affirming care, or overseas gender-affirming healthcare services, the waiting times remain roughly the same.

HA stated that it will review its services to explore whether individuals already under follow-up in child and adolescent psychiatry, and deemed suitable, could access the psychiatric and endocrinology services at GIC earlier. However, HA emphasized that all cases must first be referred by GIC's psychiatry department to other specialties, and skipping the psychiatric assessment is not appropriate.

Gender-affirming Hormone Intramuscular Injection Services
At the beginning of 2023, a total of 7 government general outpatient clinics temporarily suspended testosterone injection services. These services were fully restored not until April 1, 2023. HA had responded by collaborating with the department of endocrinology in March 2023 to produce training videos and materials to improve the operational process and enhance the safety of service users.

Information Pamphlet on Gender-affirming Hormones
HA will produce an information pamphlet on gender-affirming hormones. The content has been finalized, and printing will commence shortly.

Internal Training on LGBTQIA+ Inclusive Healthcare Services
In March 2023, HA launched an online course titled "Effective Communication with Sexual Minorities" through HA's e-Learning Platform. HA noted that many healthcare professionals providing gender-affirming care have already completed the course. Quarks hopes that the course will see participation from healthcare professionals across different hospitals, specialties, and disciplines.

New Policy on the Update of HKID Gender Marker
HA stated that it is one of the units consulted by the Security Bureau regarding this policy. It has provided professional input during previous meetings.

HA indicated that the Public-Private Partnership Programmes, allowing stable cases receiving medication and follow-up at government general outpatient clinics, and blood taking in other hospital clusters are currently not applicable to services of gender-affirming care.

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